Trying out things we have liked on Pinterest

Pinterest is a great way to waste an hour or five but I've found that I just end up pinning things and not actually doing anything with them. Yesterday I decided to try a few of these out! 

I cannot stop staring at this girls face. It is amazing. This obviously made me want to copy her in any way I could so I tried out her shoulders and abs workout yesterday. The shoulder exercises went OK but I think I should have used a heavier weight than 2kg (hey, it was a Saturday morning!). The abs bit however was horrific (in a good way) and I really felt a burn.

This was SO nice! I added some of my True Diet chocolate flavour protein powder to this which went really well. The almonds in this recipe basically remained whole at the bottom of my blender because it is so rubbish! The recipe makes a pretty big portion so I split it into two and finished it off later.

This was a really easy recipe and only took 5 minutes to make. I ended up making one huge brown pancake since the only protein powder I had was chocolate flavour. I topped it with some honey and blueberries which was really nice. 
This makes for a great weekend breakfast but next time I will make a couple of smaller pancakes rather than one monster one! 

Both CW and I like to stick to what we know, especially when it comes to food, but I would say that testing out these new recipes and the workout was a success! 

Get out of your comfort zone and try something new today!



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