Green Tea Goodness/Forcing Yourself To Like It!

I hate tea. Weird, I know. To me, it tastes of watery grossness with a bit of weirdness added in. It becomes a tiny bit better when sugar's involved but I’m still not a fan. I don’t think CP is either, which makes us both weird, which we knew already.

So,  I started trying to drink green tea... My mum has drank it forever and swears by it, she hardly ever gets ill and she thinks that is why! The first, I’m not going to lie, 25 times I tasted it, it was so gross and I was trying to convince myself I liked it! But as time went on, I found myself beginning to actually look forward to it and found it quite refreshing. I’m not going to pretend it’s my favourite drink, because... well, it’s not, hot chocolate it. But, it is drinkable and you do get used to it after a while, so stick at it.

There are many benefits that are believed to be associated with green tea which is part of the reason I think I like it – because it makes me feel like I’m putting goodness into my body.
·         It is believed to boost your metabolism.... and   who doesn’t want that to happen?! (Except maybe those lucky ‘I can never put on weight people’ (annoyiinngg))
·         It is an antioxidant against cancer.
·         It helps prevent wrinkles... obviously at the age of 25 it is time to add that to the list of life worries.
·         It helps prevent depression.
There are probably loads more, but those are the ones I’m most interested in.

However, most importantly to me, it really does suppress my appetite! So when I’m feeling peckish (all of the time...) I try and drink a green tea rather than reach for the biscuit tin.... and then the chocolate bar... and then the ice cream.... and then binge for a week because 'I've ruined my healthy eating anyway so I might as well get be fat.'

Which to buy:
I personally don’t like the flavoured ones so I opt for the standard green tea bags. I did, however, think I was being really clever and buy loads from a bargain shop and once they had ran out decided that I couldn’t be bothered to troop all the way back there so went to a standard supermarket instead. Whilst there, I discovered that my bargain wasn’t such a bargain and actually I could get 100 green tea bags by Tetley for about £4, which I think was a better deal than the ‘bargain’ ones I got from the ‘bargain’ shop. Also, they are a MUCH nicer flavour which was a nice surprise.
So, basically, don’t be scabby and buy things from nice shops.

In conclusion, you should definitely try green tea and force yourself to like it....

(picture from )


1 comment:

  1. Lololol you are too funny man. I am LOVING your blog! Xxxx
