Top 5 Super Scrumptious Sexy (sometimes smelly) Smoothies

I LOVE a smoothie.  Especially in the morning as it is easy to take with you, which means more time in bed.  I always get 10 minutes extra on a smoothie morning, which is definitely worth it.... They are always packed with loads of fruit and/or veg which means you don't have to worry as much about getting your 5 a day as most of them are probably in your smoothie.

CP and I have tried a few and find that the recipe often makes 2 and then because it’s so yummy we often drink all of it, which I don’t think you’re supposed to do... So I halve the recipes so I can’t drink the world in smoothie. Also, depending on how thick/sloppy etc you like it, I always make it how it says then work out what I can do next time to make it nicer, eg add a few more oats for a more oaty/thicker texture. (Don’t forget to write it down otherwise you will probably forget, if you have a fish brain like me).

1. Almond Butter Smoothie (This is for 1glass)
Half a banana
3 ice cubes
74 mls (my stupid measuring jug is in US fluid ounces.... bought by my mum... I bet it was the cheapest. If it is, 2.5 US fluid ounces)
2 desert spoons of low fat greek yoghurt
About ½ cup of oats (I just pour it out of the packet until it looks right... not sure how accurate that is..)
Squirt of honey for sweetness
Half a table spoon of almond butter (
Shove it all in and blend. Yum. It is also quite filling which is pleasing.

2. Kale and Spinach Smoothie.
It sounds disgusting but it is sooooo delicious! You can literally hardly even taste the veg, but it looks good because it’s green and is reallllly refreshing. If you are going out that night, have one. It’s so good for you it will practically counteract the alcohol...
Again this is for 1 glass:
1 cup of spinach
1 and a half cups of kale
½ cup strawberries (I use frozen ones so you can keep them for ages in the freezer)
½ cup of orange juice (I use Tropicana... maybe use an actual orange if you want to be super healthy)
½ cup of low fat greek yog.
I cup of ice.
I cut the stalks off the kale as you don’t want gross stalky bits floating around in your mouth.

3. Apple and Cinnamon Smoothie
(from pinterest, see post below...)
This is really delicious, think it may be CP’s fave.

4. Get Well Smoothie (
Another one of CP’s favourite.
4 clementines
1 banana
1 cup of spinach
1 cup of kale (think CP leaves the kale out)
1/3 cup almond milk.
Similar to the other one (which I prefer).

5. Banana and Strawberry (Bawberry... Strawbana...) Smoothie
This one is from
Quite sweet and very fruity.
Half cup of ice (I use 3 ice cubes...)
½ cup of frozen strawberries
½ cup low fat greek yog
1 banana
½ cup oats
1 table spoon honey.

NB If there is a p missed out in any words it is because my silly computer has decided to not like the p key today...
Go and try a different one every day!


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