Breakfast Bonanza!

Sometimes it’s hard to begin the day eating well because you just can’t think of different things to have, so you end up having the same sugary cereals every day. CP and I have put together some breakfast options that we often have. We try to change what we have most days so we still get excited about getting out of bed (the only reason to get out of!)


  • 2 boiled eggs on soya and linseed toast (or poached or scrambled, hard boiled is the best though). I also like to have marmite on my toast underneath the egg that I squish on... try it, it’s amaze.
  • Overnight porridge ( ) I like to add sliced almonds and dried cranberries on mine. Also sometimes if I’m feeling a bit crazy, almond butter mixed in too.
  • Overnight chocolate porridge (similar but with chocolate protein powder mixed in.)
  • Granola, low fat greek yoghurt, fruit and flax seeds.
  • Smoothie (see top 5 smoothies post...... )
  • Quinoa breakfast (I can’t remember where I got it from so sorry internet person that will be angry I stole their recipe):
    • ½ a cup of cooked quinoa
    • 1 tablespoon of sliced almonds
    •  ¼ cup of raisins
    • ½ banana mashed
    • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
    • 1 cup almond  milk
    •  1 table spoon maple syrup
  • Almond butter on soya and linseed toast.
  • Omelette, spinach, ham, mushroom, anything you can find.
  • Yoghurt pancakes (from pinterest.) Makes 4 big/8small. Mix altogether, fry like pancake (surprisingly..)
    • 6oz greek yoghurt (low fat)
    • 1 egg
    •   ½ cup of flour
    •  1 tsp baking powder
  • Chocolate peanut butter protein shake and hard boiled egg (separately...)  from           
    • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    • 1 cup almond milk
    • 1 table spoon almond butter
    • 1-2 stevia packets... (Think this is weird American uncalorifc sugar... That’s what I decided anyway so randomly added a bit of truvia (sounds the same so....)
    •  4 ice cubes.

Also, my minimising hangover strategies did not take place this weekend for many reasons, so I’ll definitely do it this weekend on my next fancy dress outing... and hope it helps... watch this space.

Lunch and dinner options coming soon.....
CW. x

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