Never get another horrific hangover ever again.... hopefully!

Lately, I have not been going out drinking much, this is because I have been really busy, but also because I actually cannot take the hangovers any more. Since I turned the grand old age of 25, I swear they have got a thousand times worse and I literally cannot move or function the next day, whether I have one drink or ten. 

This does not amuse me, as I do love a drunken night out. (I know to be really healthy you are supposed to cut alcohol out completely, but that is nearly impossible and also quite boring, as your non health concious friends will tell you.) I also have the problem where I can’t dance sober, (I can’t dance drunk either, but I think I can at the time and don’t care if people think I look like a deranged monkey) so I actually have to get drunk if I know we are ending up in a club.

So, I have put together all the things CP and I have heard about minimising hangovers and am on a mission to be able to get out of bed the day after a night out and not spend it in bed feeling so ill we never want to drink again. We are going to try EVERYTHING on this list and see what happens... it HAS to make us feel better than the state we seem to be finding ourselves in the next morning! If not, then all these people/ things we heard these tips from are big liars and obviously are just lucky and don’t get hangovers.

Before the night out:

  • Drink loads of water that day so you are not dehydrated before the night even starts.
  • Eat a good meal. Some people have said to eat greasy food before going out, but I have also heard a different approach would be to eat some healthy foods, like protein rich oily fish with veg such as broccoli, as that is liver detoxifying apparently.  As eating greasy food has clearly never worked for me, I might as well try and take the healthy route.
  • Take vitamin tablets as drinking depletes vitamins and nutrients. Fight back.
  • This is one we think will help just because we love it and it feels so good and surely can’t do any damage: have a green smoothie (see post on smoothies... )
  • Have a glass of milk as it lines the stomach.

During night out:

  • Drink:  clear alcohol, like vodka, which is also low (ish) in calories. Don’t mix your drinks, (especially not red wine with WKD because that was the only thing available... it does NOT end well!) Drink with soda water to minimise calorie consumption too. (Or if that is too gross, diet coke).
  • Every single drink you have, drink a glass of water before the next alcoholic one. I think as well as helping you not get so horrifically drunk, it might also trick you into feeling too full to drink any more  and thus preventing vomiting and more mental dancing.
  • Stop when you are satisfactorily drunk. (May need to designate a helper to tell you when to stop... Boyfriends are good for this, as you can scream at them ‘I’m not drunkkkk, you’re trying to ruin my fun, you’re way more drunk than me anyway. Shut up. I hate you!’ rants.) Don’t keep drinking because you think the effects (affects?!) are wearing off and you don’t want to become ‘sober’ before the night ends and have to dance.

Straight after night out:

  • Apparently drinking lucozade as well as drinking more water when you get in is good as it replaces all the electrolytes you have lost... not really sure what this means, but it sounds good.
  • Eat something a bit stodge but not greasy and bad for you, like toast and marmite or toast and honey. (Replaces the sugar.)
  • Sleep loads!!! Sometimes when I haven’t even been drinking but am really tired, I feel hungover so that definitely adds to the horrific feeling.

Morning after:

  • I, like most people (I hope) crave stodgy carbs allll day and stuff my face because I’m hungover and feel gross anyway so I might as well get fat. But apparently eating greasy stodgy food is not the answer and you should eat toast again with either marmite/honey or an egg (probably poached or scrambled so it’s not fatty) and a banana as it is full of potassium: another thing alcohol has stolen from you.
  • Also eat Fruit and veg to replace minerals.
  • Drink more water to rehydrate.

Soooooo, these are ALL of the things we are going to try before, during and after our night out this Saturday and we will update with how bad our hangovers were/hopefully were not. 

CW. x 

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