Top 5 ways to use up protein- powder- you –thought- you –liked- but -were -tricked -into -buying –and- actually -don’t- like -and –have- a- 1.8kg- tub - to -get-rid –of- somehow. / Other ways of using it than having a shake.

1. Protein powder peanut butter balls. (I used almond butter).

Omg these are the best things I’ve ever had which is why they have pushed their way to the no. 1 spot. I had to try so hard not to eat them all whilst I was making them and then whilst I was wrapping them up! They took about 10 mins to make, no cooking, then I just put them in the fridge to set a bit otherwise they r a bit sloppy. They don’t look very appetising (see picture..), but I promise you they are soooo moreish! Just try not to eat them all at once; otherwise I fear it defeats the object. I also made the balls smaller than what the recipe had said (and then you don’t feel bad if you accidently eat most of them, because as they are so small you tell yourself ‘it’s definately ok’)!

2. Tone it up protein bars.

These were number 1 until peanut butter balls came along. They are so delicious and full of sliced almonds and dried apricots. I always look forward to this snack! I make a batch and then wrap them up in foil and they last about 2 weeks.

3. Overnight choco porridge

I usually have normal overnight porridge ( ) but I fancied a bit of chocolate so found this recipe instead: . It’s great for a morning chocolate fix and I added dried cranberries and sliced almonds, mainly because I felt like I was making it really healthy, but also because it added a bit more yuminess to it. You will have to experiment with the ratio of oats/milk depending on how sloppy you like it. I like anything that resembles baby food so use a little bit less milk.

4. Greek yoghurt and fruit

Add 1 or 2 scoops to greek yog, add your fruit and nuts (and granola if you like) and there you have it. Easy, quick and yummy and again feels like you are being a bit naughty by having chocolate yoghurt.

5. No bake peanut butter protein powder cookies.

These are another delicious recipe from livestrong. They don’t take long and are perfect for a quick snack and if you are feeling like you want something that feels a bit like junk food, but really they aren’t even bad for you. Yum. Try them.

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