Protein Powder Trickery!!

CP, I will take the blame for your dislike towards true protein! (Pink one.) I ordered a sample sachet and I can honestly say it tasted EXACTLY like a yummy chocolate milkshake! I could have had it every day, just for fun. So I thought I would buy the 1.8kg bag and save money as it was £30, which seems like a lot, but my boyfriend has a different one and he says it lasts about 3 months. Plus, I only used 1 scoop as opposed to 2, therefore hopefully would last me 6 months!
Anyway, I got this yummy protein…. tried it and it tasted NOTHING like the previous tester one! I really really think they gave me a different one to trick me into buying a huge bag!!!
Basically, I am not amused at all about this purchase and won’t be re-buying it! I will still drink it though and hopefully use it in protein recipes to get rid of it!

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