My experience of the introductory session at the gym & a yummy summer salad recipe

After pretending to know what I'm doing when it comes to free weights for a while now, I finally decided to do an Intro session at my gym! This was offered free of charge when I first joined but I felt like I didn't need it / couldn't be bothered to book it. The trainer I spoke to was really nice and I didn't feel nearly as embarrassed as I thought I would! Plus I really needed to go to the gym after creating what we thought was a healthy smoothie for breakfast but ended up being over 800 CALORIES!!!!!!!

The first thing he asked was what were my goals and I said 'to tone up my arms and stomach' (classic girls response). Of course he said I have to have a good diet and do cardio for the second of those areas and never to do a crunch again! YAY to the crunch ban! 

  • Tricep extensions - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Bicel curl - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Arm press - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Kickbacks - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Hammer curls - 3 sets of 10 reps
Resting for about 45 seconds between sets

  • Leg raises - 3 sets of 12 reps - I HATE these!! They burn so bad and you look a bit of a nutter doing them.
  • Spidermans - 4 sest of 10 on each leg - imagine climbing up a wall like spiderman.. but on the floor... with less grace
  • Russian twists - 4 sets of 45 seconds - I did like these before doing them for 45 seconds non-stop. Now they are not my friend.
Again resting for about 45 seconds between sets

Since I am so lazy when it comes to the gym (I'm talking 15mins on a bike and that's it), he suggested classes which suits me! I like to go to classes because once you are in there, it's hard to sneak out without looking like a quitter or a lazy fart!!
  • Tuesday - Body Attack
  • Thursday - Spin
I also play stoolball every Monday and Wednesday AND he knew what it was. No one knows what stoolball is!!

He was impressed with the use of almond milk but said I should stop eating so much M&S Guilt Free Sweet and Salt Popcorn. That stuff is so flipping good I usually have more than one bag a day and then end up defeating the object of them being in low calorie bags! He said that I need fat in my diet to lose weight (what?!) and suggested snacking on almonds instead. 

Overall I'm really glad I went to the session and now feel like I know what I should be doing when I go to the gym rather than wondering round aimlessly half the time!

To reward myself I had one of my favourite dinners:

Italian Mozerella Salad
Be Good To Yourself Mozerella
Baby leaf spinach
Organic tomato
Green pesto

For pudding we had home grown strawberries from our garden with a cheeky bit of sugar (my boyfriend put this on before I could stop him)!


CP x

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