Health update and before and after


It's been a long break for the health and lurkers but we are back! (Well one is, the other is busy being a preegnant lady and we have recruited a new fitty (See her being all fit on instagram @healthandlurking). Life got busy and hectic and our healthiness took a back seat. However, since a holiday in March, I am on a healthy path of joy that has continued for 3 months which is the longest time I have ever not fallen off the wagon. I am feeling the best I ever have, and that includes how I felt when preparing for my Wedding day nearly 2 years ago. I have finally, finally found the balance in life and don't have uncontrollable binges!

The main difference is I am actually eating a lot of good food and exercising regularly rather than exercising less and eating less which resulted in a short term untoned weight loss result that I could not keep up. I am much more toned and have a better butt, something that I am always striving for! I will post more about what I used to eat and what I now eat on a standard day in a few post times. For now, I must go as the dog is calling and by calling I mean barking in my face cos Im not paying her attention.

Ps.  Here's a photo of a before and after so far......
Pps. Yes, that is a towel on my head.


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