Muffin Topless Challenge Update

I might have possibly maybe definitely gone a bit mental this weekend with the food intake and eaten half my weight in pies, biscuits, rocky road slices and chocolate covered ginger bites AND not gone to the gym for my leg day buuuut on the plus side I walked/Geocached 12 miles of the lovely Sussex countryside which almost makes up for it, right?! RIGHT?!

So apart from this two day long slip up I've had a really good week of food and exercise which included the following:

Monday - Body Pump class
Tuesday - 4 mile run with the girls from work
Wednesday - MTL Fall Challenge (scissor jumps, burpees and wall sits - ouch!)
Thursday - Mini cardio session and Body Balance class
Friday - Mini cardio session and chest workout

The challenge has been going really well and I'm still loving it but I'm a tad worried that it'll get little more tricky next week once my choco-sugar-crap-food-aholic boyfriend gets back from his American travels with SWEETS (secretly looking forward to the treats as much as seeing him again)!  Oh God this is going to be interesting!

If you fancy being nosey, feel free to keep up with how we are doing on our Instagram page!

CP x

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